Friday, April 21, 2017

student loan interest

student loan interest

f*ck student loans. [intro music plays] i'm not going to go so far as to say that mycollege education has been a waste of money, but so far it seems as though my collegeeducation... has been a waste of money. and i am now thousands of dollars in debt! i never thought it would be possible, buti'm actually broker now then when i was in college. it's probably in part that i can't get ajob to save my life... literally. or it could possibly be the student loansthat are now being sent to me on a monthly basis, making things a little bit more difficult. i mean, i get it, i signed the document showing exactly how much i would be borrowing, and how much i would owe,

and what the interest rate is, and all that sh*t... but they should have made it a little bit more clear that i would also be handing over the next ten years of my life to them. at least then i would not have been so blindsided. [slap] i mean, like, damn! what's a college grad got to do to make a couple bucks? the worst part about my student debt, and pretty much everyone's student debt, is that you technically can't afford sh*t. i was in the mall yesterday, i was looking at one of those pretzel kiosks, where they have those delicious, salt-covered, like butter-drizzled, pretzels in the window... and i took a step forward to go purchase one.

[pause] immediately, my conscious however, decides to send out an alert signal. "woah! f*ck no, little buddy. you've got some loans to pay back, you can't afford that pretzel!" realistically, unless i don't mind using my social security money when i'm sixty-two years of age to still pay off these loan payments, i don't really have a choice, do i? nope. i've also gotten to a point in my life where i've been embracing the saying, "a penny saved is a penny earned" more so than i ever have before! is that a f*cking penny? oh sh*t! i've adopted a hustler's mentality to try to get into this "mental zone" where i'm making as much money as possible to help pay off these student loan payments. i've debated going to the local city to sellmyself, but, considering i still live with my mom...

she probably wouldn't appreciate that, so, that's out of the question. at least youtube gets it! luckily, youtube now had a "fan-funding" feature. if you go to my channel page you willactually see it on the right hand side there! if you want to donate a dollar to the"/bmacadelic bottomless pit of debt from hell" fund, please visit my channel page and feel free to do so. hey, that way all eighteen of my subscribers can help me pay off at least 1/100th of my payment due this month. every little bit counts. so, i think the best thing to doand what i've decided i'm going to do is just continuously think about the issue, dwell on it, and b*tch!

hey, it seems to work for lebron every time he gets a foul, right? maybe i should go into acting. hey, if anybody knows the information for "lebron's acting school," please feel free to comment down below, or shoot me a message, i very much so want to check it out. about to win a grammy off of that sh*t! oh. oscar, not a grammy. about to win an oscar off of that sh*t! hashtag, "flop nation," b*tch! if any of you guys, my subscribers and my viewers, have student debt,

please, comment down below if you have a game plan about how you're making it work and you're going to meet the minimum monthly payments. [cell phone notification alert] probably another late payment reminder right there. i would love to find out how you guys are hustling to make it work to get these debts paid off, because i think i'm f*cked. make sure you smash up that "thumbs up" button, click that "subscribe" button, amidst trying to figure out what the hell i'm going to do with my life, i also make funny videos and release them on this channel about once every week or so, click that "subscribe" button and you'll never miss them. i'm going to go play my ukulele on the street to try to make a few extra bucks and make ends meet,

i'll catch y'all next week. later! [outro music plays]

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