Tuesday, April 25, 2017

student loan rates

student loan rates

recently used in loan rates jumped from3.4 to 6.8 percent while a deal is being worked on still in the senate many were worried aboutstudents being burned by massive amounts of debt other talk tucker carlson andconservative economics professor peter murray chi an interesting theory on why we betternot allow the rates go back down again look what's happening with young peoplelike my graduates my students so many of them

art getting into these part time jobsand some other not remaining for you know you got it p guy would have master's degree workingit starbucks so he lives with his parents what'sgoing to happen to these young people in all their big student loans the answers right bad things thepresident has been buying lower unemployment rates by essentially providing very cheapstudent loans in keeping people out of the labor market right when theyfinally answer

they answered very low wages inpart-time employment we have the kind the problem spain hasbut the president has been papering it over exactly so cheap student loans keep young peopleout of the labor market this is a dangerous power peter thats really lucid explanation have avery troubling trend we appreciate it yeah its amazing it's amazing so i ikind of all the logic is it seems like you're saying two different thingsactually third carlson's point was to give cheapsuit loans well you to sit on a couch

all day you know the get a good job you you'regonna get out of the labor market i thought it was that that encourageskids to go to college and therefore %uh the labor market thatright i so i took it all really and then in the coal mines getting the coal mineswell you gotta go on the way to go calling your youtube you are theperpetual student right now we're actually has and geraldo i in educatingyourself just get the best fascinating i thoughtusing jury all while you don't have to pay a bag that my so use

i just want you those fans yeah and thenbut for each he was talking about how well they got all these loans which arebig problem but they only have the starbucks jobs but we went in there in the labor marketand grade but the problem is they're not getting good enough jobs the house thathad with the wheels two morrow rates be too low and by who makes an areyou with us to wait long rates are too low that those like that's that'sunbelievable because i mean i think you guys are more likely to be right but thebottom line is no matter what

they don't want you get that educationweather whatever was a professor another one rbc went to university they both used to wear bow ties or wherepoor ties currently these guys bow ties from university sayall what you shouldn't go to university me you should worker and acoal mine raid so that's that's on real but there'salso that like yeah have the starbucks job for whatever but they actually ifyou read the article we can show the entire video they go back to the whole 47 percentthing that yeah they work at starbucks

but the real workers are supporting themthrough welfare whatever else they need to make ends meet and so while the rest of the country youknow punished romney for the other forty-some percent all that they're still plugging along on the onthe weekend shows on fox like that using those numbers it's not trueas such a so the c 47 percent don't pay income taxthat doesn't mean they don't work they actually they did is show we brokedown the numbers in fact a lot of them pay payroll taxbecause they're working

in rails tax regardless other formsrights and feed put payroll tax literally means you have a job other ways you can pay payroll tax andby the way yes we'd all love to have jobs but at the starbucks but it is a job and and oftentimesanother turn around and say are these guys do not want to work inthe bottom then i wanna start at the bottom and work their way up but there's mcdonalds or janitorial workgonna go hi organized our boys in a better job therefore you must be lazyand stephen with the problem with all

these guys a in their bow ties and i'm telling thecongress does the same thing unfortunately is obviously keeping student loan rates lowis something that is incredibly important and %uh the fact that congress failed toextend you know the rate that where they werefor now is going to have an immediate effect on students but it doesn't get tothe bigger problem in the country which is the education

is way too expensive this is why youneed all these cheap student loans because most people can't afford itanyway you graduate with what twenty four twenty five thousand dollars i in student loan debt and they're likedonors crowd for life yeah that's just that's just the average and so everybody is avoiding the biggerquestion by talking about student loan rates right now were alonei was relieved amuse earlier in the week when they finallygot a deal in the senate student loan rates

for civil they're gonna make a variableso right now i'm variables not so bad when interest rates go up youtube reallyscrew right now that's so look policy therepublicans wanted shockingly even with a democratic president democratic senate by the way in the senate which is ademocratic senate their problems got what they want rightand in the house they have to propose a bill that said hey you know what now why don't we lowerthe sumo rates but we can make up for it we don't want to cause a budget problemwill just take it

from the really rich in the republiclike take it from the rich to give opportunity to the nextgeneration know why right and so and then at theend the wall that day said up you know okay at least they've gotthis figured out the senate and obama's it looks like he's in favor but nextwe'll tackle the issue all the dead that people actually havelike this the substance the of the debt and how hide and i thought iget so they're well sure what are the new debt forgivenessresumes inconceivable is opposing the symbolthing i've ever heard

tackled by saying do better yeah or ilike books like the ones that are you having trouble with the beloit yes womangot to pay for yeah everybody has that option or arather than you imagine if they did forgive all the debt how much of an economicstimulus that would have on the economy right now going crazy because all the money that'sjust going to a bank that's a sitting on it are sending it overseas withinstantly go into buying cars buying tvs whatever but you got guyslike tucker and p

here %ah cool who somehow think that it's outrageous if a bank is only in 3.4percent return on the loan i can we do really at theother items that were not able even as maybe these guys just hustling for thebacks and we have 13 14 percent what we wantto 6.6 no ok well i me lo que elizabeth warren made the bestcase in the senate she said why don't we give the sumo owns the samerate that we give to the bank's i the banks are able to borrow from thefederal government oftentimes for less

than one percent less than one percent then they turnaround and wanted to you at either 3.46 180 depends on the situation costumes are really run through thegovernment more than anything else but we've you're getting a loan forbusinesses center-right and everybody laughed at how simple whathappy how do you vote against that why should the banks have such a betterrate than the kids who are looking to build the next middle-class if history has proven that the banks aremore reliable than the kids i could go

wrong in a bag a live with a warning to her credit didtake on other democrats to me there in the wraps up at within the democraticparty within the senate too because she said you guys were already making money offthis as the government often the backs of students and you can't just keepdoing now let's let's give them a break in the fact that other democratswere an on-board want to tie this to the 10-year treasury bonds and i find that produce a in my keys whiletolling lies to things and i'm

you then this fiscal year they're slatedto make 51 billion dollars from soumas the federalgovernment's because we get the money the interestrate goes the federal government has a running the program well the good things that obama did wasto get the middleman actually the banks use to take a huge chunk of that for no reason because the government wasguaranteeing sows really good thing so now it's going to treasury but it'snot like they're not making a enough money out of it it's literallymore profitable then

the most profitable company in the worldis more probable than exxon mobil right so it's not like you couldn't cutthe interest rate a little bit an estimated $51 billion for thetreasury make $45 billion $40 million whatever it is but of course our homes like all we needthat money for other tax cuts and to your point democrats like wetotally agree have at the moment we've got a surplus of you guys to the youknow the biggest in five years they need to keep that going to know you

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