Friday, April 28, 2017

student loans forgiveness

student loans forgiveness

i'm florida consumer attorney robert peters andin this little clip we're going to talk about the so-called obama forgiveness ofstudent loans. i don't know why they call it that it really started years ago butobama expanded it several years ago sort of like the so-called obama phoneit's really a bush phone. anyway, i digress. when we talk about student loan forgiveness we'retalking about you got to be in a payment plan and if your school teacher you canbe in a payment plan for as little as five years and get up to $17,000 $17,500forgiven, not a bad deal! other teachers it's up to 10 years inwhatever you have leftover can be forgiven for others you can be forgivenyour student loans can be forgiven after

20 or 25 years again if you're in somekind of payment plan but the great thing is you can be a payment plan as low aszero they're all kind of income based repayment plans out there and you canhave a very affordable or even a zero payment plan and get credit toward yourforgiveness the other areas that people don't realize is if you're a work for anonprofit if your public service worker for the federal state and localgovernment you get your loans...if you make 120 payments in a row you can get thebalance of your loans forgiven after that ten-year period remember can be inforbearance you can't be delinquent you can't begin to fall you can be ignoringthem. you have to be paying them, so even a nurse at a hospital for

instance 10 years of payments equalsforgiveness is not a bad deal but to learn many things you need to contact meor somebody the number is below, the website is below i'll give us a call and let's see if we can help you out. doing nothing, changes nothing!

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