Monday, May 1, 2017

student loans without cosigner

student loans without cosigner

so jean had a question about a car that he co-signed for hisgirlfriend they later broke up in now she's behindon the payments what can you do i everybody dave' sullivan here for thecredit guy tv this is one big reason why you shouldnever co-signed for anyone not even your child her or anyonebecause what you have to realize is it if how they make the payments on thatloan is going to be fully reflected on your credit report so if somebodycomes you who wants to have you cosign a

loan i would really not recommend that allnow gean in a situation where he co-signed for his girlfriend they areno longer together she's now late on the payments isaffecting his score what can he do well unfortunatelybecause he co-signed he's also responsible for the payments so heneeds to do is really concerned about credit report is pay for the car right not somethingyou really wanna do when you're no longer in arelationship with that person

so he could contact his ex-girlfriend say look you're not making the paymentsgive me the car and i will start making the payments that would be one option another option is to have her if she willsell the car and then you only owe the difference sothose are the two ways to get out of the situation neither is particularly good but that'sit once you sign for co signer is just likethe loans for you is not for someone else cosigning meansthat you're going to

assume the responsibility if theoriginal signer can't actually paid the loan so i hope that helps don't cause i for anybody period if theyneed to borrow money for a car then theyshould be getting that car should be paying cash nobody needs toborrow money to get a car just buy a clunker in the you know last year for a yearthen that's all you have go get another clunker alright so thosedave sullivan here for the credit guy tv so you

with a little bit me we're gonna changethe credit industry thank you

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