Wednesday, May 3, 2017

subsidized student loan

subsidized student loan

my name is washieka torres. i'm actually the new student president at brooklyn i'm here representing the cuny coalition for students with disabilities i don't know if you guys actually know this when students with disabilities have to take out loans it is actually harder for them to repay because of the unemployment rate amongst people with disabilities is actually four times the unemployment rate at any given state because of discrimination what we have done is voter registration events, especially for students with disabilities, with the clubs on each of the cuny campuses

and by doing that we get them more civic-aly engaged and we let them know that not only is this going to effect you now because you don't have a job, it's going to affect you once you get out of school because it's so hard to find a job we partner with different programs like access vr and they help pay for most things and sometimes part of their tuition but you know it's such an uphill battle

and you know i have a meeting with my constituents tomorrow and we are talking about this because you know a bunch of us brought it upbecause we know like for instance i have twelve thousand in loans i got a little bit of financial aid and i have twelve thousand and i'm going to at least have ten to fifteen thousand more before i get my masters and then i'm going for my phd and how am i going to pay that once i get out of school when it's hard for me and any of my constituents to get a job i'm glad to be here representing the coalition representing not just students with disabilities but also veterans with disabilities

it's really hard for us because of employment issues

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