hello, i'm cheri ashwood. i'm a guidance counselor,and today i'd like to talk with you about how to get a student loan to pay for off-campushousing. you're either a first time in college freshman, and you've decided that you don'twant to stay in the dorm, or you're attending college a little later in life, and you'redefinitely not going to stay in the dorm with a bunch of teenagers. you can obtain a studentloan, and student loans are primarily awarded to the school, and you will get what's calleda net check. student loans and any other financial aid disbursements are given to tuition andfees first. net check happens; it may be a couple of weeks into the school year. thismay cause some hardship if you're living in an apartment or housing of some sort thatmay not be as understanding about that. if
you were to obtain a private loan; a studentloan just the same is going to be applied towards tuition, but if you were to obtaina private loan from a lending institution that's willing to put the money directly intoyour hand or your bank account then you would have the money available for off-campus housing.your best bet may be to have a part time job, or money saved in order to pay for your off-campushousing, or you may just decide to live on campus because it may be more financiallysound. i'm cheri ashwood. i'm a guidance counselor. i'm very proud of you for deciding to continueyour education, and your future starts today.
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