Tuesday, April 25, 2017

student loan payoff

student loan payoff

absolutely, debt can be addressed. probably the number one thing that we allthink of a student loan debt right? because if you're an attorney you know a lotabout student loan debt. student loans are the same as any other maritalasset right, they’re separate until you get married but then, say you're only makingminimum payments on your debt and your debt is increasing every single month because you'renot paying it down. that increase, becomes marital and the otherspouse may say well wait a minute, they went and got their degree before i even met them,why would any of their student loans be on me.

well the best way to do that, is again, ina prenuptial agreement, say okay this is what my student loans are now and this is whati believe the interest rate is but more importantly any increase to that debt is going to remainmy separate property. i don't know why i would want that to happen,but for a person on the other side who doesn't have any student loan debt it’s certainlysomething to consider when you're going into a relationship with somebody who has, a significantamount of debt in their name. for more information, go to our website atdivorce-matters.com.

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