Tuesday, April 25, 2017

student loan processing

student loan processing

initially when you file an application withrehab financial group, you will pay an application fee the first time. and that fee is reallya file setup fee and from that we'll move forward and it's the only fee you pay priorto closing to rfg. and you pay that fee once ever, no matter how many loans you do withrfg, you'll never pay it again. and no matter how many borrowers are on the loan with you.after that point, at the time we're ready to approve the loan, and ready to close theloan, you will pay at loan closing, certain administrative for the document preparation,underwriting, processing. but again, those fees, 1, vary with the size of the loan and2, are really competitive and commensurate what you would pay any lender. in addition,we do charge 5 points and that is payable

in cash and that's really our, the way weprimarily are in a position to fund the loans because frequently our loans our only outstandingfor 2, 3, 4 months, so while your interest payments over the course of the loan willbe very low, we do insure that there is some level of payment to rfg through the pointsand some investment and commitment from the borrower's side.

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