Thursday, May 4, 2017

where can i apply for a student loan

where can i apply for a student loan

student loan debt continues tobe a huge problem in the us, topping $1.3 trillion and surpassing credit card debt.student loan report decided to do a survey of 500 collegegraduates who have student loan debt to see how far they're willing to go to have their debtforgiven. the title of the report is "18 insane thingsgraduates would do to get rid of their student loan debt." let megive you the percentage of people that are willing to do

these crazy things. which by the way, i wouldprobably do that as well. >> i can't give up my yeezys. >>crocs are unacceptable. i knowa lot of you would be mad at me, but crocs are not for me. >> really? you are so frugal insome ways. you have the opportunity to have $100,000in student debt forgiven, you just have to recruitall the time. >> yeah, no i wouldn't do that.and it's not that i don't have

debt. i do. >> i would rather have a dickcome out of my four head for the next 10 years and have to wear crocs. >> you know, there is a sex toythat will help you do that. let me give you some moreinteresting stuff from the survey. >>to be fair,29.6% of them kind of had to. >> those are the peoplewith the really bad acne.

>> you are worse. i was thinking morealong the lines of ã± sex isn't really that great. >> here is another stat.that is a lot of people. >> it's amazing to me, is thatmore people would be willing to star in a porn to get rid oftheir student debt then vote for hillary clinton.oh, vote for hillary? no. >> let me give youmore stats on that. >>to be fair, 57.6would vote for donald trump.

>> that is insane. >> donald trump isslightly more hated. they would rather be on a pornothat lives forever on the internet, that gives you thesense of the division in the country. >> they are probably sanderssupporters anyway. sorry guys. >> will you be in a porno withcrocs so no one will watch it? >> i guarantee you there isprobably a fetish for that. i wouldn't be surprised if youtyped in crock porn and

something did not come up. >>you are right. >> you mean type it in again? >> and here is another stat.that is the most painful part. >> that shows you how badcomcast is. i have been saying it for 10 years because i would not touch them. i don't evenlike saying the word comcast. >> this is obviously joking, andpeople participating recognize

that. it is a little bittongue-in-cheek, but it gives you some indication of the frustration in the country. bothtoward student loans, but also towards crocs, comcast, and ourpresidential candidates. >>it's incredible. the kind ofkill two birds with one stone with the survey because it's notjust telling us about the stress people are feeling with studentloan debt, is telling us a lot of how irritable people arewith society. >> i actually even feel like ittells you a little bit of how

much porn has become called me, no way. porn, we are having a conversation. >> you can also say that peoplehave sex text on their phone. >> it really does tell you alittle bit about our culture and a little bit of our politics.but for the one to say i wouldn't vote for donald trump or hillary clinton, or i wouldeven vote for them to get rid of my student loan debt, there isone candidate you actually could for vote for if you want to getrid of your student loan debt.

i'm not talking about berniesanders, i'm talking about jill stein. bernie sanders says i'llgive you free college education. $70 billion sounds like a lot,but it's nothing compared to the iraq war. that cost about $1.4trillion which is literally 20 times what free collegeeducation for anyone who wants it would cost. isn't thatamazing? jill stein's program is that plus all the student loansin the country. gone. some might say that that is unrealistic, iam not sure i agree with it because it seems like much. i ama bit more moderate in my

economic positions than dr.stein, but my job is to fill you in on information and the facts.fact is if you want a candidate like that, jill stein says if she becomes president, she isthe head of the green party, she will forgive $1.4trillion of student debt. >> i love jill stein, but how doyou go and forgive private student loan debt from privatelenders? you can do that. >>one way the government coulddo it is say we are paying it. >> so, right now the fed givesthe banks $20 billion a year

just for being part of the fed.for nothing. they could take that 20 million put it towards that. i'm sure this is doable.i like jill stein. i'm going to vote forthe green party. >> i just said we did pay forthe iraq war. when there was a well, we found a way. if it wasto go in totally destroy the middle east, and open up apandora's box from which isis arose, so many of our guys died,we somehow found $1.4 trillion for that. but when you say get

rid of your student loan debt,and also it is bogging down the economy because you don't havemoney for cars and other products ã± by the way, i evensay no way. i would not have spent $1.4 trillion on either. but is there a way? yes.

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