Thursday, May 4, 2017

where can i apply for student loans

where can i apply for student loans

the quickest and easiest way to apply for student finance is online. to complete your application, you’ll need your passport, national insurance number and bank details – so make sure you have these to hand. don’t worry if you don’t have a confirmed place at uni; you can apply using your preferred choice and simply change the details online later if you need to it can take up to six weeks to process your application so apply now! if your application is late, your money might be too. remember, your application isn’t complete and can’t be assessed until we have all the information we need you should send us any evidence we ask for as quickly as possible to avoid any delay in your application being processed. you then need to print out the declaration form, sign it and return it to us

we’ll send you a letter telling you how much you can get. once you register at uni, we’ll make the first payment.

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